Artificial intelligence

Using AI for drug discovery

Using AI for drug discovery
Handol Kim
Using AI for drug discovery

Artificial intelligence is set to change the way drugs are being discovered. Find out how in this episode.

''What we’re trying to do here is find some sort of innovative way to dramatically change the needle of the way this industry does this stuff. '' - Handol Kim

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Guest's biography:
Handol Kim

Handol is Co-Founder & CEO of Variational AI, an AI for drug discovery start-up based in Vancouver. Variational AI is applying its state-of-the-art generative AI to discover novel and drug-like small molecules that are efficacious, safe, and synthesizable in months versus years. Prior to co- founding Variational AI, Handol was General Manager of the Quadrant AI Business Unit of D-Wave Systems Inc, and brings over 20 years of executive management experience and leadership from venture-backed start-ups and publicly-listed technology companies in cloud, mobile/embedded, and telecommunications software in Silicon Valley, Canada and Asia Pacific. Variational AI is the third startup he has co-founded. Handol is Vice-Chair of the AI Network of British Columbia (AInBC) and a board director of the Digital Technology Supercluster and the United Way Lower Mainland.

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