Innovation ecosystems
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Canada’s innovation gap

Canada’s innovation gap

Canada's economic recovery hinges on leveraging innovative technology for competitiveness. How effective is Canada in commercializing its research?

“We’ve got a really privileged quality of life in Canada and to maintain that, we need to be on the cutting edge and in the technology race. This is the economy of the future and we cannot rest on our laurels.”

-Suzanne Grant

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Guest's biography:
Suzanne Grant

Suzanne Grant is the CEO of the Canadian Advanced Technology Alliance. The Alliance is a group of C-Suite  leaders who accelerate the adoption and export of Canadian emerging technologies. CATAAlliance creates pathways to people, opportunities and funds, enhances private and public policy collaboration, and amplifies the brand of Canadian Technology. Suzanne is also Co-Chair of the E-Crimes and Cyber Council, a joint body of the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police & CATAAlliance. She was previously co-founder and Chair of the medical technology early stage company iBionics. Suzanne started her career as an engineering officer in the Canadian military.

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