Support organisations
Innovation ecosystems

Innovation support ecosystem in the Laurentian region

Academic partner:
Université du Québec en Outaouais
With the help of :
Ministère de l’enseignement Supérieur of Québec

How are businesses supported in their innovative endeavors? A case study on the entrepreneurial ecosystem of the Laurentians presents a region rich in opportunities, combining picturesque landscapes conducive to tourism with a dynamic industrial infrastructure. Participants, Carmen Sanchez from the espace régionale de croissance (ERAC) Connexion Laurentides and Charléric Gionet from the MRC Rivière-du-Nord, provide an overview of innovation initiatives and local stakeholder support for entrepreneurship. With a population of 660,000 inhabitants, the region boasts a skilled workforce thanks to its post-secondary educational institutions. Proximity to Montreal also attracts businesses, while the advantageous geographical position provides access to new markets, notably in Ontario. Connexion Laurentides, as a growth acceleration space, aims to promote innovation in the region by facilitating collaboration between businesses and research institutions. Initiatives such as incubators support startups and foster innovation in various domains, such as agri-food, sports and wellness, and the circular economy.

Case study
Read the written case study on the Innovation support system in the Laurentian region of Québec. Written by Zohra Guetif under the supervision of Dr Hamed Motaghi.
Download PDF

Produced in 2024. Filmed in 2023 at the Institute of Innovative Vehicles in Saint-Jérôme, Quebec. Participants: Carmen Sanchez, Connexion Laurentides; Charléric Gionet, MRC Rivière-du-Nord. Executive Producers: Dr. Hamid Etemad, McGill University; Hamed Motaghi, Université du Québec en Outaouais; Reda Bensouda, Université du Québec en Outaouais. Producer and Host: Thierry Harris, Cartouche Media. Creative Director: Melissa Gendron, Cartouche Media.

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