Innovation ecosystems
Advanced semiconductor manufacturing

Manufacturing the future

Manufacturing the future

Microelectronics are everywhere. Innovation in this industry moves at lighting speed. But how?

“ By sharing your strategy with a partner, that partner can bring to the table a different view about how you could address that marketplace.”
-Normand Bourbonnais

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Guest's biography:
Norman Bourbonnais

Normand Bourbonnais has worked in the field of microelectronics for nearly 40 years. He held various management positions in production, quality control, engineering and product development before leading a pioneering project, the establishment of the largest microelectronics research center in Canada: the MiQro Innovation Collaboration Center (C2MI).

A unique and vital link between pure research and the needs of industry, the C2MI environment lays the foundations for research and product development for all market segments. A unique model, C2MI offers endless collaboration and business opportunities related to all areas surrounding the manufacturing of embedded systems.

Mr. Bourbonnais then worked with several industrial partners and associative groups to form one of the first centers of excellence of the ACCORD approach, ISEQ, involved in the world of electronic systems in Quebec.

Finally, he led a team to submit the application for an intelligent electronic system innovation zone in the beautiful city of Bromont. Obtaining the designation of this innovation zone is intended to be recognition of the impact of electronic systems and its sensors on the Quebec economy. This industry is at the very heart of the digital transformation that will change our society.

CEO of Technum Québec, one of the first two innovation zones in Quebec, he intends to continue to promote electronics throughout the greater Quebec territory.

N. Bourbonnais holds a degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Montreal (École Polytechnique) and an MBA from Concordia University.

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